Terms & Conditions
When making an appointment with Pet Inc. you are agreeing to all the policies, terms and conditions.
As we are a mobile service, we travel from home to home in order to get to our next appointment. Therefore time keeping is essential for a smooth operation. If there is no one to receive us within 15min of the scheduled time, it will be viewed as a cancellation and you will be held liable for the full amount of the treatment.
Cancellations need to be made at least 24hours before the scheduled appointment. Failure to do so will incur a fee.
Temperament & Aggression
As safety is of the highest priority for both your dog and our groomers, a soft muzzle may be used. We reserve the right to refuse grooming a dog that is uncontrollable, aggressive or has ever bitten a person. Please note that such behaviour needs to be communicated to us upon making the appointment. We will do our best to help you but will need to assess your dog before continuing. Owners will be held responsible for any dog bite and aggression. Failure to disclose such information will result in full payment of the grooming fee regardless of whether grooming services are completed or not.
Grooming History
Pet Inc. needs to be notified of any medical condition your dog has. It is also important for us to know if he’s had unpleasant grooming experience in the past so that we can take extra care in making his Pet Inc. experience a good one.
Terms & Conditions
All clients are requested to sign a Client Information Form, which helps us keep record of your dogs information, your contact details and your vets details. This information is confidential and will not be passed on to a third party. In the case of an emergency, we will seek emergency veterinary treatment.
The dog’s medical history must be disclosed before the start of any treatment. Pet Inc. reserves the right to refuse grooming a dog that may have the following: Stitches from surgery, any open or weeping wounds, vomiting, diarrhea, breathing difficulties, unusual fatigue or any form of ill health. The pet owner agrees that Pet Inc. its owners and operators are not liable for any pre-existing conditions and problems found during and after the grooming process (Included but not limited to epilepsy, stroke, seizures,heart attack, etc). Pet Inc. is not responsible for damage, injury or death occurring outside of the groomer´s supervision. The pet owner agrees to pay for all medical treatment incurred due to such treatment.
Every effort will be made to groom your dog to meet your expectations. It must be made clear however, that no guarantee can be made in this regard, and Pet Inc. accepts no responsibility for the groom being carried out according to instructions, but not to your visual expectations. Records are kept in order to track progress and it may take several grooming sessions for the coat to grow to desired style. Any concerns need to be expressed before our groomers leave and they will try and rectify it if possible.
The owner consents that their dog may be photographed before, during and after the groom. These images may be used on the Pet Inc. website, Facebook pages and printed materials unless you specifically request us not to do so. Any such request not to be photographed will be detailed in writing on our client information form. Pet Inc. will never sell copies or grant copyright to outside persons/companies without obtaining prior written authorization from the owner.
The owner agrees to pay the full cost of the groom including extra services, special handling and fees for missed appointments. Full payment is required upon the collection of your dog. We only receive cash payments at this time.
Pet Inc. reserves the right to refuse service or discontinue the groom if the safety and integrity of the groomers and/or the equipment is placed in jeopardy.
In the event of severely matted/overgrown coats and the need to clip down, the owner should be aware that irritation might occur from the shaving process. These matts tend to be located very close to the skin, around the ears, neck, armpits and groin. The owner agrees that Pet Inc. will not be held liable for any after grooming effects or problems uncovered on a severely matted or neglected coat. These include but are not limited to the following: itchiness, skin redness, or self inflicted irritations/abrasions from excessive external rubbing. This treatment is not routine and your dog may look very different afterwards. We will, at all times, seek the owner’s consent before carrying out the procedure. We will not de-matt coats that might cause stress or trauma to the pet. A Matted Dog Release Form needs to be completed in order for us to continue with de-matting.
Pet Inc. its owners and operators will not be held liable for loss, damage or injury incurred once the dog is released back into owner´s / guardian´s supervision.